Monday, January 26, 2009

I adore him!

This is my nephew. He's 3 years old and just as rotten as he looks in this photo. We could all learn a lot about compassion and selflessness from him.
He is normally a very active child. Running and playing until he drops. His mind works faster than his mouth sometimes and he gets frustrated but he is ALWAYS thinking. Whether it be about what kind of trouble to get into next or whatever. He is never still unless he's asleep and even then, he is not still. He is hilarious. And always talking.

An example is this exchange between him and his dad. He had been at my parents' home for 3 or 4 days. He didn't want to go home. His dad came to pick him up.

D: "Daddy, what you doin' heah?"
F: "I came to pick you up, Bub. I miss you."
D: "But Daddy, my not want to go home wif you."
F: "Bub, you've been here for 4 days. You have to come home."
D: "But Daddy... my no wike you." Stops and thinks for a minute... and continues... "Mommy no wike you. Bubby no wike you. Even Jesus no wike you."

He, of course, loves his Dad. He just didn't want to go home with him. He wanted to stay at Maw's and Paw's. This is what his little mind came up with to try to get to stay. Needless to say, we were all cracking up. I dare you to put the kid in timeout and NOT laugh while he sits there and makes faces. He knows if he can make you laugh, he's in the clear.

Yesterday, my 18 yr old daughter was very sad. She and her boyfriend of 4 years have broken up and hopefully, it's for good this time. Even though I'm happy about this, she is sad so I'd never tell her that I hope it sticks this time. Even though, in the long run, this is for the best - it doesn't negate her feelings. She hurts.

He isn't a bad kid. He just isn't respectful or ambitious and she can do so much better.

So my normally active and rambunctious nephew, who had no idea what was wrong but just knew that she was sad, gave her what none of the adults in her life could offer - pure, unbiased compassion.

He sat with her for hours. Holding her hand and speaking soothingly to her. Trying to make her smile. He is a funny little guy and can crack you up regardless of the situation.

He was still...for...hours.

He sat on her lap. Kissed her. Hugged her. Repeatedly. And then some more. He rubbed her cheeks gently with his tiny little hands and said, "You come stay wif me. You can sweep wif me evwy night and I div you kisses.... We can pway wif my toys and watch Elmo and den you won't be sad." How can you argue with that?

It may not seem like much but to a 3-yr old, that's his world and he was offering to let her share it if that would make her feel better.

You would've thought he was 15 years older than her rather than being 15 years younger. He knew just what to say to make her smile. Stroking her hair and saying, "Sissy... I wuv you all da waaaay to heaven and back." If she even looked like she was going to cry, he would wrap his little but surprisingly strong arms around her neck and squeeze her as hard as he could.

I sat there with them. Just watching. And my heart ached. Ached for her because she is hurt, angry and sad. It ached with love for both of them. It ached because of his sweetness and his selflessness and his all-encompassing compassion. He may only be 3 years old but we can all learn from that.

For hours he sat with her. Sometimes not saying anything at all - just holding her hand. And by the time she finally had to move, she felt a little better.

How could she not?


  1. I LOVE this post and your nephew.

    You don't need my help, girl - you've got this blogging thing DOWN! ;) I'm sorry it took me so long to get here - this is great writing.

    This post made me tear up. Kids are pretty much the best medicine for whatever aches.

  2. Wishful: Thank you for checking it out.. I appreciate it... My nephew is the cutest little thing... he sees me and comes running with his arms out and the biggest smile on his face, squealing, "Wee Weeeeeeee". He has trouble with his Ls..
